
by - novembro 17, 2019


Head: Catwa Catya
Body: Maitreya Mesh Lara
Hair: LB - Tara
Ears: Pumec Crafty Pixie
MakeUp:  {LP}- Marinahh  Lipstick Event itStyle Fair
Clothes: JR Wolf Creations - Willow Vest Charcoal 
     / Safira - Elvie Pvc / SU! Little Panty
Tattoo: CL- Valerie
Accessory's: Pink Charcoal - Mouse Mask Group Gift 
           / Ascendant - Pole Dancing Nails 08
Place: Sunny's Studio


[ You will find this and more store products JR Wolf Creations @marketplace ]
[ You will find this and more store products Pink Charcoal @marketplace ]
[ You will find this and more store products La Perla @marketplace ]

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