
by - novembro 25, 2019


Hair: Truth - Kajiah
MakeUp: Bellvi - Set Jassica
Clothes: Charmed - Auriele Event Tlalli The Fair
Shoes: G&D Pump Leopard Gift
Acessory's: Rebel Hope - Valentine's Choker Gift 
             / DDL Perfect (HW Special Edition)
Pose: Versuta - Ayres


Event Tlalli The Fair Fair Dates are: Dec 10 to Dec 27
Website: tlallithefairaroun.wixsite.com/tlalliaroundtheworld
Flickr: www.flickr.com/groups/tlallifairsecondlife/

[ You will find this and more store products Charmed @marketplace ]

Please note: Because of the new Linden Lab MP changes, Charmed will be 
releasing this item to the mainstore only after the event is over. 
The MP store will only contain DEMO items. We will not be selling any items 
in the MP store to sell. Thank You, The Charmed Team.

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